Corporate Volunteer Opportunities
Friends of Allan Gardens offers corporate gatherings and team-building opportunities within our beautiful conservatory at Allan Gardens. We can offer a unique opportunity to meet in a one-of-a-kind setting and engage in activities together, as a team. Here are the corporate volunteer opportunities we offer:
Veggie Gardening (spring, summer, fall; outdoors): Come work in the vegetable garden with us! Harvest vegetables and learn about care techniques to foster healthy plant growth.
Vermicompost (year-round; indoors): Demystify at-home worm composting! Come learn how worm compost can help you reduce food waste, save money, grow healthy plants!
Perennial and Pollinator Garden Management (spring, summer, fall; outdoors): Learn about the amazing diversity of plants and animals that our perennial and pollinator gardens support. Help us maintain these gardens through practices such as pruning, dividing, deadheading, and transplanting.
Indoor Plant Care and Propagation (year-round; indoors): Work with us to propagate some of our favourite indoor house plants including indoor herbs, tropical plants and succulents. Learn about the amazing diversity of plants we’re growing on our propagation benches!
Greenhouse Tour (year-round; indoors). We’d be happy to take you on a tour of the City of Toronto’s four display houses including the Arid House, Tropical House, Temperate Show House, and the Orchid-Bromeliad house. We’ll highlight a key plants in the plant collection, and discuss the role of conservatories like this one in contemporary times.
Corporate Volunteering Capacity: Up to 35 people
Location: Allan Gardens Children’s Conservatory and Edible Garden on the west side of the park.
About the Friends of Allan Gardens: We are a volunteer-based not-for-profit that works with the City of Toronto to animate, beautify, and care for Allan Gardens.
Cost & Fees: As a community not-for-profit and registered charity, we appreciate your financial support. Please write to us to inquire about fees.
Booking: Email us at We look forward to meeting you in Allan Gardens!